Exams should be challenging, as well as offering opportunities for success, satisfaction and celebration. Few exam cohorts have been as challenged as the 2022 leavers, so we are delighted to celebrate their success in the IB Diploma results published in July and the A Levels and BTECs which are released today.
Behind the statistics are 133 individual stories of determined application and purposeful study, and many cases of significant resilience to achieve these grades. Congratulations to them all, and especially to those who strove and succeeded in spite of the challenges.
Across A Level and IB Diploma, over a third of entries (37%) achieved the top grade of A* or the IB equivalent 7, and over 2/3rds (71%) achieved either and A*/A or 7/6. This compares with 23% and 64% respectively in the last year of exams in 2019. Eight A Level candidates achieved a full set of A*s and a further 20 all A*s or As. Only four A Level entries out of 261 achieved lower than a C grade. The IB Diploma cohort achieved an average of 40.1 points, with three candidates gaining the perfect score of 45 and twenty-two achieving 40 points or more. BTEC students celebrate similar levels of success, with 78% of entries having achieved the top grades of Distinction or Distinction*.
As anticipated in media coverage over the summer, university placement is more competitive this year, due in large part to a higher rate of deferred entries over the last two years. In the critical next few days we will be working with our leavers whose grades have not quite secured their firm or insurance offers to help them to secure attractive and suitable university places.
In the meantime, many congratulations to the 2022 leaving cohort and we wish them well in taking up their university places, gaps years or starting their careers.