The Lent term started with bang with all pupils from the Years 3-6 learning a poem off by heart for the Poetry Declamation Competition. This is a fantastic opportunity for every child to develop their performance skills whilst reciting a poem in front of a live audience.
We have had 2 big West End Theatre trip this term; Years 5 and 6 went to see Back to the Future, and Years 3 and 4 watched Frozen. One of the highlights of my year is watching the faces of children in an auditorium, row upon row; wide eyed with mouths a jar – spellbound as they watch in awe these spectacular performances. These are memories that will last forever.
Drama continues to develop in the Farmhouse as Reception are now having weekly drama lesson and Year 1 and 2 have continued to enjoy lessons that have linked with their class topics. The term has ended with the Year 4 class productions of Mulan: a creative show, in the round, with at least 8 girls getting the chance to play this motivational character. The Drama Department is now well into preparing for the big shows of the the Trinity term: The Year 5 and 6 musical: High School Musical, the year 6 leavers show: The Greatest Show and Year 3’s production of Alice in Wonderland.