Eloise Francis

Stephen Holliday

The Revd Canon Justin White
The Governing body, in conjunction with the Headmaster, sets out the aims of the College and ensures that they are met.
The Governors all act as charity trustees of the company. At any time there are to be no fewer than four and no more than 16 Governors.
Ardingly College has achieved certification with the HMC/AGBIS Good Governance Programme. The programme has been jointly developed by AGBIS and HMC to support and provide recognition of high-quality governance in HMC member schools.
The College is governed by the governing body (Council) which meets at least termly. Council operates using a number of Committees that cover key areas of College activity: Education and Pastoral, Risk and Safeguarding, Finance, People and Culture, Estates and Nominations and Governance.
Council appoint the Head of each School and delegate the day-to-day management of the College to the Head of College and key management personnel.
The Chair and all Governors may be contacted via Clerk to the Governors Sophie Koziarski; sophie.koziarski@ardingly.com